Adorate Dominum In Atrio Sancto Eius - AD 1777

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

We celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge in STYLE in Rockford Manor. Here is an example of what our line up for 2023 looked like:


Luan (Monday)

Ceolchoirm ag am lóin (1pm) (Concert at lunch time)

All student are invited to celebrate our national language and culture. Our students will be dancing, playing music and singing loudly this lunch time!

Máirt (Tuesday)

Cluiche Peil Ghaelach ag am lóin (Football match between teachers and 6th year students at 1pm)

Céilí i rith an lae (Ty’s and boys from Oatland’s College)

Múinteoir an lae (Vote for teacher speaking most Irish)

6th Years VERSUS the staff – No broken bones please!!!!

We are hosting the OATLANDS COLLEGE boys from TY this year. They will join our TY girls for a knees-up ceili spectacular!

Who will be trying the hardest to win this prize? Which teacher will be murdering the Irish language in an effort to win Muinteoir on Lae?

Céadaoin (Wednesday)

Lá Glas (Green Day/ wear your finest Green!)

Íomha Gaelach le Drón ag 11 AM (Image with Drone at 11 AM)

Everyone will don the green today to unite us all celebrating the Irish Culture... even Tina will be out of her customary yellow and don the green!

Beidh neart imeachtaí (various activities)eile i rith na ranganna Gaeilge (Irish classes) (comórtais eagsúla) chun Seachtain na Gaeilge a cheiliúradh. Tabharfar duaiseanna (Uibheacha Cásca/ Easter Eggs!!) do na buaiteoirí.

We encourage all students to get involved in the competitions throughout the week. Easter Eggs up for grabs!

Remember: Tír gan teanga, Tír gan anam

(A country without a language is a country without a soul).

Mar 17
Bank Holiday & School closed
Mar 20
TY PTM (inc Agency Meeting)
Mar 24
TY, LCVP & LCA Work Experience
Apr 07
Wellbeing Week
Stradbrook Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
RCN 20013073
© 2025 Rockford Manor School